Monday 15 June 2015

Good Samaritan Sisters Project

Year 6 Religion Research Project Assessment : School and Home Task
Outcomes : CD S 3.3b, GRHD S 3.1a, SS 3.5b  
The Good Samaritan Sisters have helped to build discipleship in Australia and were the founding order of Sacred Heart Mona Vale.
Choose a way of telling their story in light of discipleship. Your project should include the following sections:
1.       Research the Good Samaritan Sisters and their work in Australia and create a presentation to share your research.  Include the following points in your research:
o   The story of the Good Samaritans
o   The historical setting; what was happening that may have called them to discipleship?
o   What was similar and different about the way they viewed life from the way we view life today?
o   What challenges did they face? Can they be related to challenges in today’s society?
o   How do you think they lived out the message of the Scriptures? Do you think they may have interpreted the scriptures in a different way to us according to some of their actions? Maybe Luke 10:29-37

Marks                                   /10

2.       Choose a scripture that captures their mission, print it out and explain your choice.
Marks                                   /5

3.       Create an artwork to accompany the scripture.
Marks                                   /5

4.        Reflection
o   How are the Good Samaritan values of Community, Balance and Compassion lived out in our school community?
o   What impact does their life story have in today’s world?
o   What can you learn from them about living your life as a disciple of Jesus?

Marks                                   /5

You may present your story of the Good Samaritans in any format, such as a poster, written recount with pictures, booklet, PowerPoint, Prezi, Glogster, iMovie etc. You may work in pairs or by yourself.

Total Marks                                        /25

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