Sunday 25 October 2015

2015 Sacred Heart Whole School Public Speaking Competition

All Sacred Heart students will be participating in the Whole School Public Speaking Competition in Term 4.

Years 3-6 students will choose from the below topics and prepare a 2-3 minute speech on one topics. All students should prepare their speech at home over weeks 4-5. Students will present speeches on Thursday and Friday of Week 5, and one finalist per class will be selected from these presentations to present at the Sacred Heart Mona Vale Public Speaking final in the Hall on Tuesday 10th November, 2015 from 9:00am. Finalists will also present a short (1 min) impromptu speech on the day.  Students will be given a small amount of practice time at school but the main preparation should be carried out at home.

Topics for this year's 3-6 speeches are as follows:

  • If you could meet anyone from the past, who would it be?
  • Native animals need our help.
  • You can't judge a book by its cover.
  • Refugees - everybody has a story.
  • The environment should be a top priority.
· No microphones will be used by speakers.
· No props to be used by speakers.
· Small palm cards are encouraged.
· Adjudication for speeches will be consistent with the Guidelines and the below Adjudicator’s Score Sheet.


Began in an interesting manner.

Central theme evident and logical sequence developed.

Supported opinion with facts and examples.

Appropriate use of language.  

Strong ending, as close as possible to the time allowed.


Visual: Stood straight and tall.
Good eye contact

Unobtrusive use of notes.
Gestures which assist in conveying a message.

Vocal: Clear and appropriate use of voice.
Varied expression.

Pace not too fast.

The ability to establish a rapport with the audience.

5 = outstanding   4 = very good   3 = good   2 = OK, but could improve   1= Needs practice in this area

Good luck to all our participants!

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