Saturday 28 November 2015

Let's Talk About Rights!

What are rights?  Why are they important?

After viewing and discussing the BTN article about the Rights of a Child answer the comprehension questions in your HSIE books.  

Class Discussion:
Brainstorm a list of basic human rights for everyone.

Are there any rights that are more important to children?

The UN Convention on the Rights of a Child can be viewed at the following website

Here is a summary of the Convention on the Rights of a Child. 

Rank these rights from most important to least important. Explain why you think these rights are important - use your best persuasive language techniques!

o   Children have the right to be with their family or a family who will care for them
o   Children have the right to an adequate standard of living
o   Children with a disability have the right to special care
o   Every child has the right to be alive
o   Children have the right to good quality education
o   Children must not be used as cheap workers or soldiers
o   Children have the right to say what they think and to meet together to express their views
o   Every child has the right to a name and nationality
o   Children have the right to nutritious food and clean water
o   Children have the right to health care
o   Children have the right to play
o   Children have the right to be kept safe and not be hurt or neglected
o   Children have the right to practise their own language, religion and culture

Paired Research
Visit the Australian Government Information and Services webpage about Rights here.

Choose  one of the sets of rights to explore/research.  Make a summary of your findings in your HSIE books (both students must record).  Share your findings at the end of the lesson.

Make sure a variety of rights are explored (eg, not everyone to do Human Rights in the classroom for example).

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